Unique Community Collaboration Vaccinates 100 Woonsocket Residents
(Woonsocket – April 16, 2021) – Thundermist Health Center and NeighborWorks Blackstone River Valley held a COVID-19 vaccination clinic for residents of the Fairmount neighborhood in Woonsocket. The clinic administered the first dose of vaccine to 100 people.
The vaccine clinic was held at the NeighborWorks office on Olo Street and within walking distance for neighborhood residents. Many Woonsocket residents face barriers to transportation. In addition, studies show the best way to address vaccine hesitation is to receive outreach from a trusted source.
“We did our best to reach everyone in the neighborhood via email, phone calls, and text,” said Margaux Morisseau, director of community engagement at NeighborWorks Blackstone River Valley. “We shared our vaccination experiences, answered questions, and addressed any concerns people may have. I appreciate that we were able to host this clinic in the neighborhood in a place people are familiar and comfortable with. We had balloons, played music, and had free giveaways to make it a fun atmosphere. This was a great example of how community collaborations can enhance the vaccine efforts.”
“Woonsocket continues to see relatively higher rates of positivity and lower vaccine rates compared to other parts of the state,” said Sapna Chowdhry, MD, medical director of Thundermist Health Center of Woonsocket and infectious disease specialist. “Our City is lagging in the state for the percentage of population vaccinated. Collaborations like this are the answer. Thundermist plans to work with local partners to address the disparities that have been evident throughout this pandemic.”
Additionally, Thundermist Health Center and NeighborWorks handed out COVID-19 protection kits to participants. The kits included hand sanitizer, cleaning products, masks, and non-perishable food.
About Thundermist Health Center
Thundermist Health Center is a full-service primary care provider with dental and behavioral health services. The non-profit community health center aims to improve the health of patients and communities by delivering exceptional health care, removing barriers to that care, and advancing healthy lifestyles. Thundermist has locations in West Warwick, Woonsocket, and South County. The organization cares for patients regardless of insurance and ability to pay. In 2019, Thundermist cared for more than 51,000 patients.
Learn more at www.thundermisthealth.org.
About NeighborWorks Blackstone River Valley
NeighborWorks Blackstone River Valley (NWBRV) – Formerly the Woonsocket Neighborhood Development Corporation – is a nonprofit community development corporation that has worked with residents, businesses, partners, and communities since 1987 to enrich neighborhood life and make affordable housing opportunities available throughout Northern Rhode Island.
Learn more at www.neighborworksbrv.org.
Thundermist Health Center is a full-service primary care provider with dental and behavioral health services. The non-profit community health center aims to improve the health of patients and communities by delivering exceptional health care, removing barriers to that care, and advancing healthy lifestyles. Thundermist has locations in West Warwick, Woonsocket, and South County. The organization cares for patients regardless of insurance and ability to pay. In 2019, Thundermist cared for more than 51,000 patients.